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River Inny
The Central Fisheries Board, Unit 4,Swords Business Campus,Balheary Road, Swords, Dublin, Republic of Ireland Phone: T: +353(0)18842 600
The River Inny is a top class coarse fishery and can be fished in numerous locations along its length. Principal species include roach, bream, perch and tench. Several angling competitions are fished here particularly on its lower stretches. From Ballymahon to Abbeyshrule the river can be a productive wet and dry fly trout fishery. The Inny is over 50km in length and when taking both bends into account the river provides in excess of 60km of good bank pike fishing. The river varies in depth from approximately 1.5 metres to over three metres but much depends on weather and water levels. A boat is not necessary with the exception of Lough Kinale, Lough Iron and Lough Derravaragh. Angling access is provided at the bridges and in most cased extensive bank access is available up stream and down stream from the bridges. There are large stocks of pike in many locations throughout the length of the river with numerous hot spots. Pike of over 10kg are caught each season but the norm would be under 4kg.