Revolver Upstairs
229 Chapel St, Prahran VIC 3181, Australia Phone: +61395215985
Colonel Tan's was created by Karen Batson, head chef of renowned inner city gastro-bars Cookie and The Toff In Town. The affordable menu combines traditional Thai cuisine with a cheeky American diner aesthetic.The name is a tribute to Revolver co-owner and legendary Thai pop star Tan Punturaumporn. Years ago, Tan's kitchen staff took to calling him the Colonel when they started serving a Five Spice Chicken that brought to mind a certain chicken-loving colonel from America's deep south. With fantastic menu illustrations from local graffiti artist Itch, Tan can now be seen not only as a southern colonel, but transformed into John Lennon, David Bowie, a skinny-jeaned Ramone, an Amy Winehouse Tan and a new addition- Dolly Par-Tan.