Neubrückstrasse 8
Phone: ☎ +41 (0)31 306 69 69
Reitschule, Neubrückstrasse 8, ☎ +41 (0)31 306 69 69, [48]. Next to the central train station is Berne's most important center for alternative culture. The huge brick building is visible from far, easy to recognize by its abundant graffiti art on the façade and roof. Reitschule has the status of an autonomous cultural center, which means in firm language that it's a no-police zone. This of course gives it a bit of an anarchist touch, a touch of "anything goes". And indeed, anything does go: Reitschule features a theater, a cinema, a women's room and two concert/dancing venues, all dedicated entirely to alternative culture. Recent concerts included rjd2, Metalheadz or DJ Babu. The center as a whole is a unique experience and a must-see for anyone who has an interest in contemporary urban culture.