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Rådvad Kro
Svenskevej 52, Lyngby Phone: ☎ +45 45 80 61 62About
Rådvad Kro, Svenskevej 52, Lyngby (Bus 182 or 183 from Lyngby Station to Rådvad stop (note! very few buses per day)), ☎ +45 45 80 61 62, [54]. Tu-Sa noon-3PM & 6PM-9PM,Su 10AM-3PM. Almost running on its 150th year, this old inn is outstandingly located, near one of the old mills on Mølleå river, in the middle of the forest. The menu is modern - yet classic - Danish cooking, with the menu changing along with the seasons. Offers cooking courses if you arrange this ahead. Mains from 125 Kr. (55.806708,12.559433)