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Rango Vegan
Rua Do Passo N0 62 - Pelourinho, Salvador, State of Bahia 40301-408, Brazil Phone: 71 3488 2756 Average Price: $ 25 per person Cuisines: Italian Features: Vegan
Rango Vegan is best known for Italian food. Requests must be made in advance so we can prepare the masses in a timely manner. For those who still do not know the scheme is to enter and eat the will - the pizzas are all vegan, ie, cholesterol free, lactose-free and cruelty-free! Are neatly made with whole-wheat pasta or traditional Italian, tofupiry, and freshly baked artisan sauce, various organic ingredients, among many preparations made for us and you can only find here. You will also find in our kitchen and organic acai and cupuaçu agroecological, delicious vegan desserts, fruit juices mates and freshly made, vegan lasse with soy milk

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