Rainbow Restaurant and Bookshop

7a Avenida Sur No.8, Antigua, Guatemala Phone: +502 7832 1919 Cuisines: Vegetarian Features: Multicuisine


Rainbow Restaurant and Bookshop[24] 7a. Ave Sur #6 at 6a Calle, one block south and two full blocks west of the southwest corner of Parque Central. tel +502 7832-1919. offers tourist-friendly and wholesome breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. An early-bird breakfast special of tomatoes, beans, eggs, rice, and tea or coffee is easy on the wallet. Sandwiches and dinner entrees are inexpensive too, and salads and big desserts are also on offer. Use purified water for all drinks, ice and preparation. They have a rich schedule of live music, poetry readings, and interesting lectures about Guatemala.

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