Railway Station Prague - Smíchov | The original station was built in the years 1861 - 62 as the terminal station of the Bohemian Western Railway from the direction of Beroun, Plzeň and Cheb. In 1872, it was connected via railway with today’s Main Station. It took less than a 100 years for it to become absolutely insufficient. It was therefore demolished and a new station was built in the years 1953 - 56 according to a project of arch. Jan Zázvorka and arch. Ladislav Žák. The station is equipped with covered platforms and subway crossings. It is directly linked to an underground station and the tram and bus lines. Besides the suburb transport and express trains in the direction of Plzeň and Písek, it namely takes care of the summer heavy recreational traffic in the direction of Beroun, past Rudná and Karlštejn, and in the direction of Kladno, past Hostivice.At the rear part of the Smíchov Station’s tracks, there is a little station named Smíchov - Northern Platform, from which a little diesel train goes to a hilly area called Prague Semmering.