Top Places to Visit
Caramella - Day Spa
quartier Souissi, c/o Rabat Hilton Rabat MAROC Tél : (00 212) (0)37 674 840 THe BEST OF SPa in the capital rabat . for an amazing journy d'ont forget to get a ...
Archeological Museum
Tucked away in the top end of the centre ville, this undervisited and underfunded museum is nonetheless Morocco's most important. Two floors and a separate ... more
Café 7ème Art
At the heart of the city of Rabat, a few minutes from central station, at the cross-road of the capital's diversified activities, the movie-theatre "Septième ... more

Eglise Orthodoxe Russe - Русская Церковь
Phone: +212537697896
Top Places to Eat
Cafe Restaurant La Jeunesse
Cheap and cheerful, this is where you'll find Moroccan city workers enjoying lunch or an early dinner. The menu is as standard as they come, with a range of ... more
Cafe 7eme Art
Cafe 7eme Art next to the movie theater. Has fake movie posters with meals as the stars. Light lunches, popular with business people and the more well-off. ... more
Cafe Weimar
Cafe Weimar
Top Shopping Places
Top Places for Nightlife
Top Activity Places
Caramella - Day Spa
quartier Souissi, c/o Rabat Hilton Rabat MAROC Tél : (00 212) (0)37 674 840 THe BEST OF SPa in the capital rabat . for an amazing journy d'ont forget to get a ...
Royal Golf Dar Es Salam
Royal Golf Dar Es Salam The domain is spread over 440 hectares of trees, flowers, and water. If you have enough money, a car and are desperately looking for a ... more
Théatre Mohammed V
Théatre Mohammed V. Theatre in Downtown Rabat, nothing absolutely outstanding but there are performances each month.
Centre Commercial Mahaj Riad
a good place, quite expensive but with diffrent shops and restaurant with a beautiful walk and a surrounding green path agremented with flowers and trees. this ... more
La Tassa In Agdal
It is a Coffee- restaurant at the heart of Agdal where you can find me in the evenings, I live in the area . All around there are many coffees, restaurants, ... more
Le Shellah
Chellah Chellah, Rabat, Morocco Chellah: A large walled and towered enclosure, the site of an ancient Roman city and a Merinid necropolis. Chellah is one of the... more