Pulau Nias
Top Places to Visit
Gereja Katolik St. Maria Bunda Para Bangsa, Paroki Kon-katedral Gunungsitoli
Jl. Karet No. 33-A, Kel. Hilir, Kec. Gunungsitoli, 22815
, Pulau Nias

Gereja Bnkp Kota Gunungsitoli
Jl. Soekarno, Gunungsitoli, Sumatera Utara
, Pulau Nias
Phone: N/A
Phone: N/A
The best way to get to know Jesus is to read the Bible. Students will read their Bible every day for at least three weeks. Their counselors will help them ...
Top Places to Eat
Starbucks Coffee Sun Plaza
Jl. KH. Zainul Arifin No. 7, Ground Floor, Sun Plaza, 20152
, Pulau Nias