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Poly Theatre
Baoli Wenhua Square, Houhaibin Road, Nanshan District (南山区后海滨路保利文化广场; Nán shān qū Hòu hǎi bīn Lù Bǎo lì Wén huà Guǎng chǎng ) Phone: fax: +86 755 86287308About
Poly Theatre (保利剧院), Baoli Wenhua Square, Houhaibin Road, Nanshan District (南山区后海滨路保利文化广场; Nán shān qū Hòu hǎi bīn Lù Bǎo lì Wén huà Guǎng chǎng ) (Buses 70, 80, K113, 204, 217, 226, 230, 245, 369, 39), ☎ +86 755 86371698, 86371699 (, fax: +86 755 86287308), [28]. This is a more or less middle brow theatre specialising in musical theatre and often hosting Russian Army theatre troupes. The futuristic silver egg-shaped building alone makes it worth a visit.