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Pinang Peranakan Museum
29 Lebuh Gereja, George Town, Penang 10200 Phone: +60 4-264 2929About
Peranakan Mansion in Penang provides a fascinating history of Nonya Baba heritage (Mixture of Immigrant Chinese assimilated into Malay culture). The house belonged to a wealthy Nonya family and passed through generations. You are able to catch a glimpse of their lifestyles and the architecture of a Chinese house with European and Malay influence. It is actually very beautiful and well preserved up to even the cosmetics used during those days. It is located in 29 Church Street in Georgetown Penang and was one of the pit stops for the Amazing Race 2009 or 2010. Google Peranakan Mansion Penang. Admission is RM$10 per person but is well worth it.