Tettye Restaurant Tettye. 19th century restaurant on Tettye Hill with large interior and beer... Shortlist
Sir Khan Restaurant Sir Khan. Indian restaurant in intersection of Citrom street and Irgalmasok... Shortlist
Semiramis Restaurant Semiramis. Cafe with a good selection of arabica coffee, chocolates and ... Shortlist
Enoteca Corso Restaurant Enoteca Corso, fine dining restaurant ranked 7th best of Hungary by the ... Shortlist
Elefántos Ház Restaurant Given its Mediterranean feel, this Italian restaurant is perfect for ... Shortlist
Kolibri Restaurant Kolibri, small one-man restaurant on Hunyadi Str., above the tunnel. Very ... Shortlist
Crystal Restaurant Crystal, elegant, modern restaurant in Citrom street opposite post office; ... Shortlist
Bagolyvár Restaurant Bagolyvár. Spacious hotel and restaurant on Havihegy with unique folk art-... Shortlist
Caesar Pince Restaurant Caesar Pince, next to the cathedral. This special restaurant with a more ... Shortlist