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Pavilhão Chinês
Rua Dom Pedro V 89-91About
An interior décor composed entirely of collectibles, curios and bric-a-brac This unique and absorbing bar is a veritable museum. Its warren of interconnecting rooms is lined with floor-to-ceiling glass display cabinets crammed with antique toys, ceramic Toby jugs, Flamenco fans, mantel clocks, china bulls and artists' palettes. The overwhelming theme, however, is military. Model biplanes, jets and WWII bombers hang in formation from the ceiling above rows of miniature battleships. Officers' caps and sheathed daggers cling to the walls. And you can't miss the thousands of intricately painted lead soldiers – infantry and cavalry – forever standing to attention. To best appreciate this extraordinary emporium, arrive late on a Friday and join the locals who have seen it all before. A back room pool hall offers some diversion but bemused customers often find themselves in a permanent state of distraction. Drinks aren't cheap, but the experience is priceless. © NileGuide2011 The Pavilhão Chinês (Chinese Pavilion) is a one of a kind bar in Lisbon. The place has four rooms with a very special decor; there are pieces of art or other objects from the all over the world. The snooker in one of the rooms is another option to enjoy. This is one of the most traditional bars in Lisbon.