Patpat Sitio (Sub-Village)


Patpat Sitio (Sub-Village). Patpat is a small sub-village of Batad. While this sitio itself does not have too many attractions, the two-hour hike going there passes through some amazing sights. You first cross a river with a hanging bridge, then hike up rice terraces which lead into a small forest with numerous little waterfalls and springs. Upon reaching the ridge of the mountain, relax in a waiting shed which gives you both a full-frontal view of the Batad Rice Terraces and the sweet potato plantations of Patpat. There is one store in the village, and the elderly owner speaks perfect American colonial-period English. She only sells snacks and canned sardines, but you can ask her to cook the sardines and some rice for you. She might even give you some boiled sweet potatoes for free! Beside her store is a male basketweaver who might have some native backpacks for sale. There is also a tiny elementary school with tiny tots who will chorus a cheerful English greeting to visitors. Do get a guide in Batad Village, because you can get lost in the uphill climb. The fee is just about 400-500 pesos.  
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