Parque Intercomunal de La Reina (Padre Hurtado)

La Reina


Parque Padre Hurtado, or Ex Parque Intercomunal La Reina is one of the larges recreational parks in Santiago, covering more than 100 hectares. It is located out Avda. Bilbao, and makes a peaceful oasis from teh cty for families and friends on weekends. The park is extensive, with areas for bike riding, meadows and a lagoon, a large playground for kids, a wheeled train that does loops aroudn the park and  covered pavillions for picnicking under the summer sun. There are more than 45 tree species in the park, and wildlife is mostly limited to birds, but a medialuna (corral) has horses and there are even some outbuildings where cows were once milked. In addition to routine weekend use, the park is also the site of several large cultural events, including an EcoFair and other fairs that pull together people from the various regions of Chile for the purposes of exhibiting and selling the food and other artesinal products they make. Occasional evening events in teh amphiteater include "screen-on-the-green"-type events with movies being shown.

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