Nissi Ioannina (the offshore islet)
Cuisines: Seafood, European, Greek
If you can have only one meal in Ioannina, head to the islet in the lake. Ask around as to which restaurant is the best, and you'll get a different answer from each person. The choices serve pretty similar dishes, so choose a location that appeals to you. We like this one -- near the dock where the little ferries put in. You can pick your lobster, karavides (a cross between crayfish and shrimp), trout, or other fish right out of holding tanks. If you're game, try one of the two local specialties: frogs' legs or eel. The white Zitsa Primus, a slightly sparkling white wine from the region, is a perfect accompaniment. For a more natural setting, try Propodes Restaurant next to Ayios Panteleimon Monastery.