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Palais Brongniart (Ancienne Bourse de Paris)
place de la BourseAbout
This palace, whose size is simply stunning, was built by Brongniart at the request of Napoléon I in 1808. It was home to the Stock Exchange from 1826 until the end of the 20th Century. The majestic neoclassical façade is perfectly in keeping with its importance in the life of the capital. The allegorical statues represent Commerce, Justice, Agriculture and Industry. The building was extended in 1909 and the Salle de la Corbeille was added. The corbeille (a circular room surrounded by a railing, against which brokers would stand) was the bustling center of Paris financial growth. When the stock market was computerized, the palace was transformed into a conference center. Most of the financial results are still announced from there.