American Rec Center Restaurant The Rec Center is a full-service facility with an air-conditioned fitness ... Shortlist
Les Pilliers Restaurant Good Italian restaurant with a neat service quality cuisine. A friendly ... Shortlist
Verdoyant Restaurant Verdoyant-somewhat expensive, near the Place de Nations Unites, serves ... Shortlist
Hamburger House Restaurant Our burgers are made using 100% prime beef and our meat sourced from Church... Shortlist
Coq Bleu Restaurant The menu is pricey but the French cooking is of the highest order. It's the... Shortlist
Vert Galant Restaurant Easily accessible, restaurant with a wide range of dishes. They have very ... Shortlist
Le Jardin Bambou Restaurant The decor is artfully conceived with an emphasis on natural finish woods ... Shortlist
Kim Son Restaurant Kim Son (cnr Kwame N'Krumah / Av de l'Aeroport) good but somewhat expensive Shortlist
Chez Simon Restaurant Chez Simon (cheaper, Kwame N Krumah, near Jimmy's 50 33 21 46). Also ... Shortlist
The Belvedere Restaurant The Belvedere (somewhat expensive, amazing pizza, Koulouba) 50 33 64 21 Shortlist
L'orient Restaurant We believe that The L'Oriental Restaurant provides an ambiance that ... Shortlist
La Colombe Restaurant La Colombe - cheap, serves excellent tofu brochettes @ 1200 logements, ... Shortlist
Restaurant Du Chine Restaurant If you believe expats and wealthy locals this is Ouaga's best Chinese ... Shortlist
Baratapas Restaurant The food is excellent and creative, and Alain, the owner, is a delight. The... Shortlist
Veranda Restaurant Veranda Lebanese and international. Opposite Chez Simon on Kwame N Krumah. Shortlist
Café Zaka Restaurant Café Zaka - somewhat expensive, downtown near Scimas supermarket, live ... Shortlist