The pretty little summer palace Oscarshall is located at the Bygdøy peninsula. Built in the mid-1800s for then king Oscar I, it was later sold to the state, but is still at the royal family's disposal. Today, it is also a museum open weekends during the summer season. At the height of summer (16 June - 15 August), Oscarshall is also open weekdays except Tuesdays. Guided tours are available through 26 September and include the vestibule, the salon, the dining room, as well as the King's and the Queen's apartments. Private guided tours can be booked for groups. To get there, get off the no 30 bus at Bygdø kongsgård (Bygdøy Royal Farm) or Norsk folkemuseum (the cultural history museum) or take the Bygdøy ferry to the stop Dronningen. Photography is not allowed inside the palace. Entrance fee: NOK 70/60/40 for adults/serniors/children.