Opium Mar

Passeo Maritim de la Barceloneta, 34, 08003 Barcelona, Spain Phone: 902 267 486


 Opium Mar nightclub occupies a prime piece of real estate on the Port Olimpic: indeed its terrace - Opium Beach - is right on the seafront! Perhaps that's why stick-thin girls in summer dresses and macho guys in expensive shades congregate here, where they can lounge on cream sofas admiring each other and the laid back Balearic-style beats. Later at night Opium Mar becomes one of the hottest hang outs in Barcelona for dancing and drinking, especially as the club has a license until 6am. Perenially popular and rather proud of its reputation you may have to pay up to 20 euros in peak season for the privilege of joining the beautiful people for the night. 

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