Top Places to Visit
Egeskov Castle
Phone: ☎ +45 62 27 10 16
Egeskov Castle, Egeskov Gade 3, Kværndrup, ☎ +45 62 27 10 16, [11]. Daily 10AM-5PM (or 8PM in June/August). One of Europe's best preserved is Europe's best ... more

Odense Zoo
Phone: ☎ +45 66 11 13 60
Odense Zoo, Sdr. Boulevard 306, ☎ +45 66 11 13 60 (odensezoo@odensezoo.dk), [13]. 10AM-4PM (or 6PM in summer). One Denmark's biggest tourist attractions is the ... more
Fyns Kunstmuseum (funen Art Museum)
The founding fathers of one of the oldest, largest, and best art museums outside of Copenhagen wanted it to be a miniature version of the Statens Museum for ... more

H. C. Andersens Hus (h. C. Andersens Museum)
Though not the rival of the Shakespeare properties in Stratford-upon-Avon, the object of most Funen pilgrimages is to the house of the greater spinner of fairy ... more
Funen Art Museum
Funen's Art Museum (Danish: Fyns Kunstmuseum), formerly The Museum of Funen's Abbey and Museum Civitatis Othiniensis, founded in 1885, is an art museum in ...
Carl Nielsen Museum
Phone: ☎ +45 65 51 46 01
Carl Nielsen Museum, Claus Bergs Gade 11, ☎ +45 65 51 46 01, [9]. A museum which honours the life of the classical music composer, Carl Nielsen, who was born ... more
Top Places to Eat
Cafe Du Nord
Phone: ☎ +45 66 11 92 11
Cafe du Nord, Vestergade 20 (Near to the Town Hall), ☎ +45 66 11 92 11. 9am-7pm.
Emils Hot House
Phone: ☎ +45 66 12 18 18
Emils Hot House, Vestergade 17 (Next to the Town Hall), ☎ +45 66 12 18 18, [20]. S-W 11AM-10PM,Th-Sa 11AM-6AM. Take-away burgers, pizza & hot dogs. Between 15 ...
China Box
Phone: ☎ +45 66 12 06 24
China Box, Vestergade 1 (Next to the Town Hall), ☎ +45 66 12 06 24. 11am-10pm. Good quality take-away Chinese at affordable prices. Between 22 DKK & 35 DKK.
Sortebro Kro
Phone: ☎ +45 66 13 28 26
Sortebro Kro, Sejerskovvej 20, ☎ +45 66 13 28 26 (sortebro_kro@mail.tele.dk), [23]. Daily noon-11PM. 18th century Inn near Den Fynske Landsby (Old Funen Village... more
Den Gamle Kro
Phone: fax: +45 6617 8858
Den Gamle Kro (The Old Inn), Overgade 23, ☎ +45 66 12 14 33 (dengamlekro@city-hotel-odense.dk, fax: +45 6617 8858), [22]. Daily 11AM-11PM. Easily one of the ... more
Top Places for Nightlife
H.c. Andersen's Childhood Home (h.c. Andersen's Barndomshjem)
Carl Nielsen's Barndomshjem
Top Activity Places

Odense Boldklub
Odense Boldklub, Bolbro. Odense has one of the most active fanscenes in Denmark and if you are so lucky that OB plays at home against FCK or BIF you will have ... more

Odense Aafart
Odense Aafart, [18]. Odense Aafart has tour boats from the recreational area Munke Mose in the city centre on Odense River with stops at Odense Zoo and in ...
Odense Symphony Orchestra (odense Symfoniokester)
Phone: fax: +45 65 91 00 47
Odense Symphony Orchestra (Odense Symfoniokester), Cikorievej 32, ☎ +45 66 12 44 80 (orchestra@odensesymfoni.dk, fax: +45 65 91 00 47), [17].
Odense Go-kart-hal
Phone: fax: +45-70 250 220
Odense Go-Kart-Hal, Cikorievej 32, ☎ +45-70 25 0210 (info@gokart-hal.dk, fax: +45-70 250 220), [16].
Odense Golfklub
Phone: ☎ +45-6595-9000
Odense Golfklub, Hestehaven 200, ☎ +45-6595-9000, [15]. 9 pm -5:30 pm. Green fees: Weekdays Dkr. 275 (38 Euro), Weekends and holidays Dkr. 325 (45 Euro). Odense... more

Odense Golf Club
Phone: +45 65 95 90 00
18 / 9South east outskirts of Odense