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Nybro Kro
Nybrovej 376, Lyngby Phone: ☎ +45 45 87 01 49About
Nybro Kro, Nybrovej 376, Lyngby (Bus 191 from Lyngby station to Nybro Kro stop), ☎ +45 45 87 01 49, [49]. noon-9PM. A very traditional Inn from the turn of the 20th century, now only functioning as a restaurant, with white chalked walls and thatched roof. It' possible to sit outside and eat in the garden. Menu and crowd is as Danish as they come. Good option if you've been canoeing as it is very close to the Nybro Canoe rental place. Mains from 245 Kr. (55.774992h,12.466473)