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Nire Valley Autumn Walking Festival
Nire Valley, Ballymacarbry, Waterford, Republic of Ireland Phone: T: +353 (0)52 36134
Celebrate 21 years of hiking in the Nire Valley. The Nire Valley Autumn Walking Festival is one of Ireland's longest running and best established walking festivals. Come along on a journey into and across the Comeragh Mountains with local guides who are passionate about the Comeragh Mountains. Starting on Friday with an information evening in Melody's pub, Ballymacarbry, you get a chance to see what walks are on offer and discuss with the guides which route would best match your ability. The adventure kicks off on Saturday with a choice of six walks for all, ranging from those for the serious right through to the novice. That night it is '21st birthday party night' with the festival's popular dinner and music evening. On Sunday, there will be more walking with five different walks to choose from. The family walk also takes place on Sunday which is a great way to get out in the open with your family. For more information see website or the festival Facebook page.