New Mexico Lobos (UNM sports), Avenida Cesar Chavez / University Blvd (south of UNM), +1 505 925-5626, [34]. The Lobos are big. For a deafening experience in college sports, try to catch a basketball game at "The Pit," the university's semi-underground fieldhouse that has been a house of pain for visiting basketball teams for years. The women's teams have been doing better than the men's in past years, and attract crowds every bit as raucous - when the teams are doing really good, games will sell out. Right across the street is University Stadium, home of the immensely popular Lobos football team. Football tickets $14-27, $8-17 children. Basketball tickets $8-22, $4-8 children (women's game tickets are cheaper than men's). UNM students are free, guests of students can get sometimes a discount.