The area of the Strunjan Peninsula with several kilometres of untouched cliff, represents with its land and submersed parts, a natural wonder with extremely important geo-morphologic, geologic, petrographic, floristic and faunistic aspects. In the park area there flourish the plant species, otherwise included into the Red List of Republic of Slovenia. In the delta of the Strunjan brook, there is also rich fresh and brackish water fauna. The nature reserve Strunjan is part of nature park Strunjan, and comprises the 4 kilometres of northern Cape Strunjan coast between the Simon and Strunjan Bays, as well as the pertaining 200 metres belt of the coastal sea. The entire area of the park amounts to around 160 hectares. The land part of the park is conspicuous by its several kilometres long cliff with its shelf layers (some of which are important in European context as well). The nature reserve Strunjan represents, due to the geo-morphologic peculiarities, vast biotic variety and the longest uninterrupted part of the natural coastline in the Gulf of Triest, a covenant of the prime order for the protection of our cultural heritage, and for the ecological stability of the entire Gulf of Triest.