Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall
418 Shuiximen DaJie
Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall (侵華日軍南京大屠殺遇難同胞紀念館), 418 Shuiximen DaJie (Next to YunJinLu Subway station), (, [1]. 830-1630; Closed Mondays. A memorial for the hundreds of thousands of Chinese who died at the hands of Japanese troops in Nanjing during World War II. Two partially excavated mass-burial sites reveal victims remains in situ, accompanied by insightful information boards around the walkway. The elongated sites sympathetically restrained architecture and beautifully maintained gardens are interspersed with sculptures, murals and other artworks that inspire solemn mations. Close to the entrance is the recently opened museum exhibiting multitudes of photos, videos and objects to tell the full story, somewhat even-handedly, that can easily occupy you for hours. Captions are in English, Chinese and Japanese. Entrance queues can be long, so plan accordingly. Free.