Museo de Arqueológia de Alta Montaña (Andean Archaeological Museum)
Mitre 77
This is one of the most startling museums in Argentine and therefore comes with a warning. The main exhibit in this state of the art institution, known as the MAAM, or museum of high mountain archeology, is a set of three naturally mummified children, left at the top of a 6740m volcano on what is now the Chilean border around five centuries ago. They were probably part of a human sacrifice and bear some signs of violence, including one girl who was struck by lightning later on. They are incredibly well preserved and were discovered by mountaineers in 1999. Controversially the corpses were brought to the city, examined by archeologists and transferred to cooled display cases, where the public can now gaze at them. If you are squeamish or feel they should not be on display in this way (local native peoples oppose this), then stay away, or at least visit only the preceding rooms, where the history is explained, other objects are beautifully displayed and you can see videos about the discovery. Many of the rooms are also refrigerated so take something warm to wear. There is an excellent café and a good gift shop.