Museo Artequin

Avenida Portales 3530


Artequín calls itself the museum for art, entertainment and education, and simply approaching the museum (via the back entrance of Parque Quinta Normal) is an experience in architecture. The building is a French glass pavilion designed by architect Henri Picq, was built in France in 1891 to represent Chile in the French celebration of 100 years of the French Revolution, and was rebuilt a few years later in 1894 in Santiago. Over the years, the building has served many purposes, and since 1992 has house the museum Artequin, which aims to educate children and adults (though the main focus is for preschoolers until about junior high age), about Western art through a series of hands on activities, which start with looking at reproduction of art, slides, videos, theatrical works, and later leads them to develop their own guided projects, working singly, or in a group.

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