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Musee Jacquemart-Andre
158 Boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris, France Phone: +33 1 45 62 11 59
The Musée Jacquemart-André, owned by the Institut de France, presents collections of art that are worthy of great museums in a magnificent Second Empire mansion. Often compared to the Frick Collection in New York, it has maintained its mansion atmosphere, which makes it unique in Paris. It offers a discovery of living areas of the 19th century: ceremonial rooms, monumental stairways, winter garden, private apartments, etc. Edouard André, 19th century collector, and his wife Nélie Jacquemart, renowned portrait artist, travelled across Europe and the East to acquire rare works of art and furniture. The collections brought together are some of the most remarkable in France: works from Flemish and German schools, detached frescoes, refined furniture and tapestries also find their place on the ground floor of the house. But Nélie Jacquemart devoted most of her attention to the Renaissance period in Florence and Venice. In fact, the first floor is devoted to Italian art during this period. Musée Jacquemart-André © C Recoura Musée Jacquemart-André © C Recoura Musée Jacquemart-André © C Recoura Musée Jacquemart-André © C Recoura Musée Jacquemart-André © Sofiacom Musée Jacquemart-André © C Recoura Musée Jacquemart-André © C Recoura Musée Jacquemart-André © S Anita - Sofiacom Find out more about this venue ViewpointNCArchitectural styleHaussmannienCollectionsArchéologie, Architecture, Arts décoratifs, Beaux-Arts, Décors intérieurs, Instruments et objets d'art, Mobilier, Objets d'art, Peinture, Sculpture, Tapisseries, Byzance (IVe - XVe), Moyen Age (Ve - XVe), Gothique (XIIe - XVe), Renaissance (XVe - XVIe), Baroque (XVIe - XVIIe), Rococo (XVIIIe), Néoclassicisme (XVIIIe - XIXe), Romantisme (XVIIIe - XIXe)GardenNC Statute Privé Institut de France