Mount Sinai
Saint Catherine, Egypt Phone: Not Available Not AvailableAbout
Mount Sinai is an overnight trip that will take you to see this spectacular site. This is where Moses is said to have received the Ten Commandments. Travel through the early hours of the morning in darkness across the Sinai desert to Mount Sinai the highest peak on the peninsula. On arrival at approximately 1.00am, start your climb towards the summit in time for the rising sun. The track is not too steep although there are over 3950 steps to the summit. Legend has it that you will be following in the very footsteps of Moses who climbed Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. After the magic of watching the sun's first rays set the desert alight, descend the mountain to St Catherine's Monastery, said to built around Moses' Burning Bush. Here you will have time to explore the working monastery, the burning bush and icons of worship.