Mount Isa
Top Places to Visit
Riversleigh Fossil Fields
Phone: 61 07 4749 1555
The Australian Fossil Mammal Sites at Riversleigh and Naracoorte were inscribed in the World Heritage List in 1994 for their outstanding representation of the ... more
Overlanders Way
For more than 100 years pioneers have been discovering the Overlanders Way. Today, travellers can follow in their footsteps on a 1550 kilometre driving ... more

Mount Isa Memorial Cenotaph
Mount Isa in the years of WWI was an isolated blip of far-flung pastoral leases, with the occasional prospector finding slim pickings. Yet this district saw its... more

Upper Gorge Walk, Boodjamulla (lawn Hill) National Park
Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park is one of Queensland's most scenic national parks. Situated within the remote north-west highlands of Queensland, the park... more

Wild Dog Dreaming, Boodjamulla (lawn Hill) National Park
Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park is one of Queensland's most scenic national parks. Situated within the remote north-west highlands of Queensland, the park... more
Riversleigh Fossils Centre
Riversleigh Fossils Centre, ph: +61 (0)7 4749 1555 or 1300 659 660, ( , fax: +61 (0)7 4743 6296,)[4] Conveniently ... more
Top Places to Eat
Abyssinia Cafe Restaurant
Abyssinia Cafe Restaurant [6], 103 Marian Sreet. ph: 07 4743 3328. The Abyssinia Cafe is a Licensed Restaurant serving traditional Ethiopean Cuisine as well as ... more
The Isa Hotel]
The Isa Hotel] [7], 11 Miles Street. ph: 07 4749 8888. The Isa Hotel hosts the very popular Rodeo Bar & Grill. The ample menu focuses on the beef and barramundi... more