Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan
Sultan Hassan Madrassa and Mosque This is one of the extraordinarily wonderful Islamic Monuments In the Islamic World. If Ancient Egypt is proud of the Pyramids of Giza, Islamic Egypt has to be proud of the Sultan Hassan Madrassa The Mosque of Sultan Hassan It was a school, or madrasa, but for the first time in Cairo, the madrasa had also the status of a congregational mosque for Friday sermons. There are many interesting stories about this mosque, which is considered to be Cairo's finest example of early Mamluk architecture. In fact, many guide books refer to it as the finest ancient mosque in Cairo, and has been praised as one of the major monuments of the Islamic world. This monument is best seen in the morning, when the sun lights up the mausoleum and the western iiwan This mosque is also considered one of the largest, not only in Cairo but in the whole Islamic world. It is a massive structure measuring some 150 meters long and 36 meters high. It's tallest minaret is 68 meters tall. It was meant to house some four hundred students .it has survived largely intact, though its dome, ablutions fountain, and minaret have been reconstructed and its main doors taken elsewhere. An immense portal with an elaborate muqarnas-headed opening gives access to a majestic, domed entrance hall from which a tortuous approach leads obliquely into the central court...The tomb of the founder stands on the axis of the building, behind the mihrab, and in the centre of he court an elaborate domed fountain with wide eaves suggests the hand of the Syrians and other northern artisan who were brought in at this time."