Mosquée Sidi Youssef



The Ottoman sovereign Youssef Dey brought novelty to the religious life of Tunis by building this mosque in 1616. It was indeed the first mosque dedicated to the practice of the Muslim Hanefite rite of the Ottoman Turks, while the Arabic Tunis inhabitants used to practice the Muslim Malekite rite. It was also the first mosque in Tunis to possess an octagonal-shaped minaret. It was also the first one to be associated with the mausoleum of its founder, Youssef Dey, who was buried with his family in the shade of the mosque. Also named mosque Youssef Dey, it hence testifies of the Turkish Ottoman implantation in Tunis during the 17th century , along with the neighboring souks (such as the Souk El Trouk, the Souk El Berka which were created at the same period by Youssef Dey). The mosque isn't open to non-Muslims. N.L.

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