Top Places to Visit
Mito Arts Foundation
Mito Arts Foundation (水戸芸術館) Founded by the city in 1988 to commemorate Mito's 100th anniversary as an official city in 1989, it's spiral tower rises 100m above... more
Giretsukan (義烈館). This small museum on the grounds of Tokiwa Jinja houses a huge rolling taiko drum, an ancient large-barrel cannon (or mortar) on wooden wheels... more
Tokiwa Jinja
Tokiwa Jinja (常磐神社), at the south gate of Kairakuen, [2]. Open from 9:30 am to 15:30 pm on weekdays and from 9:00 am to 16:00 pm on holidays and during the plum... more
Kairakuen Garden
Kairakuen Garden (偕楽園). Open 6:00 am to 7:00 pm Apr 1 - Sep 15; 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Sep 16 - Mar 31. One of Japan's Top 3 Gardens, its primary claim to fame is ... more
Top Places for Nightlife
Drunken Duck
Drunken Duck, on the south side of Mito Station (relocated from Katsuta), tel. 029-232-3999, [4]. "An English-style pub, with Aussie grub" (and "now with ...