Masai Mara National Reserve
Maasai Mara (Masai Mara) is situated in south-west Kenya and is one of Africa's Greatest Wildlife Reserves . Together with the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania it forms Africa's most diverse, incredible and most spectacular eco-systems and possibly the world's top safari big game viewing eco-system.The Masai Mara is regarded as the jewel of Kenya's wildlife viewing areas. The annual wildebeest's migration alone involves over 1.5 million animals arriving in July and departing in November.
There have been some 95 species of mammals, amphibians and reptiles and over 400 birds species recorded on the reserve.
Wildlife- Nowhere in Africa is more wildlife abundant. The Mara is known as one of the finest wildlife destinations in the world, with an excellent chance of seeing the big five, cheetah, serval, hyena, bat-eared foxes, black-backed and side-striped jackals, hippo, crocodile, baboons, warthog, topi, eland, Thompson's gazelle, Grant's gazelle, impala, waterbuck, oribi, reed-buck and zebra.