This is a moderate climb with a couple steep sections. This trail is good for hiking and backpacking. Fishing is fair in Independence Lake, Lost Man Lake, and Lost Man Reservoir. The trail is not a complete loop; it is a good idea to set up a shuttle. The narrative is from Lost Man Campground, follow in reverse if starting from the upper parking lot. The trail begins to the left of the bulletin board and quickly crosses a wooden bridge. At the 1/2 mile mark, the trail forks. Take the right (left goes to Midway Pass) and continue to Lost Man Reservoir and keep left around the reservoir. At approximately the 3-1/2 mile mark there is a junction, turn right (left goes to South Fork Pass). The trail gradually ascends to Lost Man Lake. From the lake the trail ascends steeply to the top of a pass and then descends steeply to Independence Lake. The trail descends gradually to Highway 82, about 4 miles to the trailhead. Directions: 1. Lost Man Campground: Drive 14 miles east of Aspen on Highway 82 to the parking lot directly across from Lost Man Campground. The trailhead begins on the left (north) side of the highway. 2. Last Switchback: Drive 18-1/2 miles east of Aspen on Highway 82 to the parking lot at the last switchback before the top of Independence Pass. The trailhead is on the left (north) side of the highway.