Centre Commercial Charpentier
You can find all different types of stores and all different kinds of ...
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You can find all different types of stores and all different kinds of ...
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The stone-paved square is dominated by the massive post office and the ...
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Cosmetics (colloquially known as makeup or make-up) are care substances ...
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A small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, ...
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To visit the Lausanne cathedral is one of the absolute musts of the city. ...
Louis Vuitton is a shop in 30 Rue de Bourg, 1003,the customer service at ...
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An electronics store is any shop or large store whose merchandise is almost...
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L'Etoile Blanche is a bar in Place Benjamin-Constant, Lausanne, VD 1005 ph...
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Electronics Store were you can find all types of electronics in our shop.
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