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Lauriston Castle
Cramond Road South, Davidson's Mains Phone: ☎ +44 131 336-2060About
Lauriston Castle, Cramond Road South, Davidson's Mains, ☎ +44 131 336-2060, [6]. Apr to Oct: Sat - Thur, Guided tours at 11am, 12 noon, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. Nov to Mar: Sat & Sun only, Guided tours at 12 noon, 2pm and 3pm. This 16th Century tower house was extended in the 1820s and left to the nation by its last private owners in the early 20th Century. It is now owned and managed by Edinburgh city council. The house has been occupied over the years by many notable figures. The gardens are open daily from 9am until dusk and are particularly notable for the croquet lawn. £5/£3. Family Ticket (up to 2 adults & 3 under 16's) £12.50.