Kumho World Electronics Market 금호월드


Kumho World Electronics Market 금호월드 This market occupies 5 stories of an office building right behind the main U-Square bus terminal. The building is easily recognizable from its arched roof of glass sitting jutting out of the skyline. Each floor specializes in a different electronic genre, from cameras, PDA's, Mp3 Players, DMB Players, Computers, PS3-XBoxs, Laptops to other electronics hardware. As a market, the starting price is not always the set price, with some bargaining being possible. Remember to be polite, but also haggle a little if you like. The phrase 'Ka-Ka-Joo-Sae-Yo', means Give me a Discount please, or alternatively 'Ha-Lin-Joo-Sae Yo'has the same meaning. Sometimes this will work, sometimes not.

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