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Khawachen Carpet and Wool Handicraft Co. Ltd (Kawajian Ditan He Yangmao Gongyipin Youxian Gongsi)
Jinzhu Xi Lu 102About
The hardy sheep of the Changtang produce wool that is ideal for carpet making. Unfortunately, most new Tibetan carpets or Han-inspired rugs use frightening themes or colors. This U.S.-Tibetan joint venture in the west of town gets it right: rich but tasteful shades woven into delightful traditional patterns. (Check out the designs at You'll be able to pick them up a lot cheaper here than from the New York headquarters or the Lufthansa Center in Beijing. Carpets can be made to order; allow a week for an average-size carpet. You're free to inspect the entire process from dyeing and drying to weaving and cutting. Unlike Lhasa's main Han-run factory (where 14-hr. shifts are common), conditions here are excellent. A courtesy car to the factory is provided for visitors, credit cards are accepted, and shipping can be arranged. Hours are Monday to Saturday from 9am to 1pm and 3 to 7pm.