Top Places to Visit

Tilaurakot Fort
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Located approximately 25 kilometers east of Lumbini and about 4 kilometers north of Taulihawa, the modern district center of Kapilbastu District(approx. 30,000 ... more

Piprahwa Stupa
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The Stupa of Piprahwa, in the Basti region of Uttar Pradesh state of northwestern India very near the border with Nepal, is a large round mudbrick structure ... more

Tilaurakot Museum
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Some 150 meters before Tilaurakot's western gate (the modern main entrance) lies a small, neglected, but quaint museum housing jewelery and other ornaments, ... more

Lumbini Garden
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Located approximately 22 kilometers east from Taulihwa is the sacred birthplace of Lord Buddha. The garden stretches one kilometer east west and 4 kilometers ... more

Salargarh Archaeological Site
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The site is located 200 mts. east of Piprahwha, where a monastery of Kushan Period is excavated. The monastery is approached from the north through a flight ... more
Top Activity Places
Birding/bird Watching
In winter, the farmland in this area of the Terai is a mosaic of different crops and stubbles, with lowlands, small irrigation channels, streams, ponds and, ... more

Terai Trekking
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A flat-landers version of mountain trekking. First performed in 1991 by two Peace Corps volunteers who walked from Bhairawaha, to Trivenighat, and on to Chitwan... more

Palace Site
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Excavations carried out by Dr. K.M. Srivastava indicated the ruins of the palace of King Shuddhodhan, the father of Prince Gautam (Lord Buddha). It is said to ... more
Village Tours
Several tour guide companies are offering village tours especially around the Lumbini.