Kanazawa Castle Site


Kanazawa Castle Site. At the centre of Kanazawa is the former site of Kanazawa's castle. Recently vacated by the national university, which took over the site once used by the Ninth Division of the Imperial Army, the castle is public space now for the first time in its 400-plus years of history. The imposing Ishikawa Gate (石川門), so named as it faced the Ishikawa district, was once a side entrance to the castle grounds, but after several fires and man-made destruction, it is one of the few original buildings left on the site, the other being the Sanjikken Nagaya (三十間長屋) storehouse near the top. However the long Gojikken Nagaya (五十間長屋) that once guarded the castle palace has recently been rebuilt according to traditional methods, and is open to the public for ¥300.

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