Kahlpahlim Rock Trail, Dinden National Park

Dinden National Park, , 4883 Phone: 61 13 74 68 www.nprsr.qld.gov.au


At around 1300 metres above sea level, Kahlpahlim Rock is the highest point on the Lamb Range. The sheer size of the rock and the views over the Davies Creek catchment are impressive. The trail ascends steeply along a former logging track before passing through rainforest, featuring magnificent blue kauri pine trees, and crossing two small creeks. Listen for calls of tooth-billed bowerbirds that loudly mimic the songs of other birds. After leaving the rainforest, the trail travels steeply through dry forest of casuarina and banksia trees before coming to a junction 4.4 kilometres along the trail. Walk one kilometre along the right-hand trail to reach the enormous granite boulders of Kahlpahlim Rock. For your safety do not venture past the boulders and stay on the walking track at all times. Kahlpahlim Rock trail, Dinden Natiponal Park Grade: difficult. Distance: 10.8 kilometre return. Time: allow 6 hours walking time.

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