See all Cafe in Reykjavik
Bankastraeti 8, Reykjavik 101, Iceland (Miõborg) Phone: 354 420 2700 www.kaffitar.isAbout
Kaffitar operates five of the most popular coffee bars in Reykjavik. Kaffitár's bright and colorful downtown café sits strategically in Bankastræti, the beginning of the capital´s main shopping street. Kaffitár's other cafés are in the middle of the bustling Kringlan and Smaralind shopping mall, at the National Museum, and in the financial district of Borgartun close to the famous Höfði. All cafés offer excellent freshly roasted coffee from their roasterie, wide selection of food from own bakery and of course excellent baristas. You can also get Kaffitar at the international airport in Keflavik and bring back home beans and other gifts. Kaffitar is a Swan labeled (eco labeled) café and therefore you can be sure environmental issues are managed and this is a environmental friendly café. Kaffitár locations are: Kaffitár BankastrætiKaffitár ÞjóðminjasafniKaffitár Höfðatorgi, Borgartúni 10.Kaffitár KringlunniKaffitár SmáralindKaffitár Stapabraut, NjarðvíkKaffitár, Flugstöð Leifs Eiríkssonar 1st og 2nd floor