Jeep Safari

Bandipura National Park, Mysore, India Average Price: ₹ 300 per person


Private Jeep Safari is the best way to get maximum exposure to wildlife of the Bandipur park. Currently, private jeep safaris are only permitted by two operators - Jungle Lodge and Tusker Trails. Jungle Lodge is located in Melkamanahalli Village just before Bandipur and Tusker Trails located Mangla Village which is 4 Kms towards Mysore. The private jeep carries an experienced guide who helps tourists in spotting and identifying the wildlife. The duration of safari is 2-3 hours and it's ideal for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers. Early morning and evening safaris offer best chances to view wildlife like Tigers. Safari Timings: 6:30 AM to 9 AM and 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM.

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