See all Churches in Szentendre Szentendre for: Adventure, Food And Dining, Art And Culture, Nightlife, Spa, History, First Timers, Family, Romance, Shopping Jézus Szíve Templom Mária utca 25., Krúdy Gyula utca, 1085 About Church Add to Wish List 64 wishlists
Places to visit nearby Belvárosi (Pesti) Ferences Templom (1 km) Dohány utcai zsinagóga (0.9 km) Places to eat nearby India Vega Food (0.7 km) Chili Bistro (0.6 km) Mercatino Restaurant (0.9 km) Places to shop nearby Corvin Bevásárlóközpont (0.6 km) Háda (0.6 km) Flatlab (0.4 km)