Ishasha Sector


The Ishasha sector is located in the southern section of Queen Elizabeth National Park, it is recognized for its residential Tree climbing lions that has exceptional attraction, it's one of the most unique safaris taken within the Queen Elizabeth National Park. Lions are spotted hanging on branches of huge fig trees in the Ishasha sector. Ishasha Sector is the most visited safari area in Uganda, the landscape of the section is magnificent. The males of those exceptional climbing trees lions have black manes, there are only two places which you can find populations of these tree-climbing lions, one being in Lake Mayara national park found in Tanzania and the other is the Ishasha sector within the Queen Elizabeth national park, it is a very breathtaking sight to see, the king of the animals perched up high on one of the branches of huge fig trees in the area, lazily resting as the day goes by. The Ishasha is certainly one of the very memorable destinations within Africa In addition to the fascination population of lions within the Ishasha sector, there is also the huge buffalo herds, many elephants that have settled there and watch out for the huge number of hippos available in the Ishisha area!

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