Ishak Pasa Sarayi


Ishak Pasa Sarayi is a palace 5 km outside the city (entrace fee: 5 TL). This ancient fortress/castle/mosque is stunningly beautiful, and is a must see when in Dougbeyazit. Try to go on a dry, sunny day. The old town is nearby. Trek a little bit further up, and you can visit the tomb of Ahmedi Xani, the famous Kurdish poet and philosopher, and the ruins of the Urartian castle. The area is also famous for the rock formation assumed to be the remains of Noah's ark. You may also visit the meteor crater in the vicinity of the Iranian border. For a taxi from the town center, expect to pay approximately 10-15 TL one way. Worth considering asking the taxi driver to wait at the Palace. There is a dolmus service (2TL) to the Palace; but hitch-hiking may be quicker. Alternatively, it´s a very stiff walk all the way up (or down), in summer possibly dangerous even.

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