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Idno Theatre
101 Reykjavík Phone: +354 562 9700 www.idno.isAbout
The Iðnó restaurant is located in the heart of the city of Reykjavík, beside the City Pond, directly opposite the City Hall. The Iðnó restaurant welcomes groups of 20–120 to dine in one of the city’s most historic buildings - an interesting one to look around, with a history well worth investigating. Iðnó was built in 1897 and reconstructed in its original form in 1997. It remains as it was in 1897, testament to the grand vision of Iceland’s artisans. Customers are requested to book twenty-four hours in advance and to remember to ask to be escorted around the building so their time with us at the restaurant will be even more enjoyable. At Iðnó, we also offer a first-class events service and see to all the extras such as flower arrangements and help with planning so the day will be as pleasant as possible. The Iðnó staff are professionals with decades of experience in catering and events services. All of the food and drink is supplied by the Iðnó gourmet kitchen, offering a varied menu for all occasions. The theatre hall can accommodate up to 120 people for seated dining and 300 for standing receptions. The second level of Iðnó features a restaurant accommodating up to 60 people for seated dining and 80–100 for standing receptions. Here you will find the Iðnó art collection, comprising paintings by most of Iceland’s greatest painters of the twentieth century: Jóhannes Kjarval, Ásgrímur Jónsson, Jón Stefánsson and Jóhann Bríem to name but a few. On the third level is the saloon. Here you can enjoy an aperitif to your meal in the restaurant or simply indulge in coffee and brandy in this delightful saloon full of antique curiosities. The saloon is also well suited to receptions for up to 50 people.