Hike from Barapatthar to Panjpulla

Chamba District, Dalhousie , India


Approximately 4/5 hour walk. A soft trekking rout starting from Barapatthar to Panjpulla waterfall. This trek flags off from Twelve Rocks (Barapatthar) and ends at the foothill of the Gangi Phari (Bald mountain) through the off track often used by the villager to come down. The trek is around 4-5 K.M on a terrain that is usually not rough or un-conventional. The view from the mountain top is simply breathtaking. With the entire valley stretched in front of you & plenty of open space to roam around you will feel good And thats not at all after the sun sets down a dark night under the cosmos will present the offer an once in a lifetime opportunity to lay down and wondered what lies beyond

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